Show hidden and starred passwords in browser and website

Show hidden and starred passwords in browser and website

Display starred passwords in different browsers or sites

In this tutorial, we will learn how to show and display starred and hidden passwords in different browsers or sites.

Show starred password with eye option next to password box:

The password you enter may be starred in the browser and not be displayed to you, or you may enter a password on a website that shows you the password in the form of an asterisk. In these cases, there is an eye mark next to the password box. By clicking on it, the password will appear or star, and with the help of this option, which is similar to the eye, you can easily see the password in the browser or any website that offers this possibility. Pay attention to 

the following images:

How to show hidden passwords in any browser

Unmask Hidden Password

But if there is no option to display the password, we have to do it ourselves and bypass the starred password and see the password.

Display starred passwords via Developer Options in the browser:

The browser developer option is a good way to view text passwords instead of asterisks. In any of the browsers, right-click on the hidden password and select Inspect element.

View Hidden Passwords in website

In this case, the html code of the screen is displayed and can be easily changed, but this change is displayed only for you and is on the client side. We only work with the password box code snippet and we have to delete password and replace it with text which is something like the image below and if you do it successfully and then click on an empty space on the web page The password is displayed.

show starred passwords in browser
