How to Use Python GET and POST HTTP Requests | Python Requests Module
How to Use Python GET and POST HTTP Requests | Python Requests Module
This tutorial is about working with APIs in Python. Using the requests module, we can send GET and POST requests to a web server via the HTTP protocol, allowing us to send and receive data from APIs.
Installation and import python requests module:
1. Installing the requests module:
To use the requests module in Python, you first need to install it using the command pip install requests in the command prompt.
2. Import requests module:
Then, you need to add the requests module to your IDE so you can use it.
- Get method:
The get method allows you to retrieve data from a specific URL. In this examples, we store the response in an object named r to make it easier to use later.
The general structure of the get method Python:
properties of the response object (r):
- url: view url
- status_code: http status code
- headers: server’s response headers
- text: response content as text
- json: response content as json
- content: response content as binary
You can use parameters (params) to send additional data as a query in the URL. In this example, we will demonstrate how to display the URL after adding these parameters.
- Post method:
The post method, unlike the get method, is used for sending data. Instead of making the data visible in the URL, it encodes the data and sends it in the body of the request.In this examples, we store the response in an object named r to make it easier to use later.
The general structure of the post method Python:
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