Earn money by complet micro tasks and small jobs on SeoSprint


make money with micro task micro jobs in seosprint

Earn money by completing micro tasks and small jobs on SeoSprint

We teach you how to earn money online by completing tasks and small, simple jobs such as surveys, registrations, and watching advertisements.

1. Register on seosprint:

In the first step, be sure to enter the site by clicking on this section And enter the registration form with the help of the option to create an account and enter the requested information and agree to it

make money with micro task micro jobs in seosprint

2. Login to seosprint:

In the second step, enter your account by going to the LOG IN section

make money with micro task micro jobs in seosprint

3. Dashboard:

After logging into the account, you will see the main page and the menu

make money with micro task micro jobs in seosprint

4. Tasks:

By going to the income section -> all available tasks, You can view a list of microtasks that, upon completion, easily earn you money on seosprint.

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For example, we choose one of them from the list of micro jobs to do, and by completing it, $0.2 money will be added to our wallet balance.

make money with micro task micro jobs in seosprint

To complete the task, follow these steps:click on the task to enter it, then hit the start button. Complete and deliver the task before the timer runs out. For each task, translate the description using Google Translate into a language you understand, and perform the required work accordingly. After finishing, submit what is requested in the report, which may include answers to questions related to the task, descriptions, screenshots, and more. Once submitted and verified, your earnings will be added to your account.

make money with micro task micro jobs in seosprint

5. withdrawal:

By clicking on the blue section of your balance, which displays your earned income, you will access the money withdrawal section.

make money with micro task micro jobs in seosprint

You can withdraw your earnings by selecting your payment method

make money with micro task micro jobs in seosprint

By navigating to the top left corner of the page, you'll find your current level, which in my case is "Worker." This level is upgraded by completing various tasks successfully. Clicking on your user level at the top left will show you a detailed table of its requirements and benefits.

Furthermore, by upgrading your account level, you can access more withdrawal methods and your account features will also increase.

make money with micro task micro jobs in seosprint



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