40+ essential and practical commands of debian | linux commands cheat sheet-Deftincomputer blog

essential linux debian commands

40+ essential and practical commands of Debian | Linux Commands Cheat Sheet

Here, we’ve listed over 40 essential and practical commands for Debian-based Linux terminals. This post is designed to help those who are learning Linux or anyone who may have forgotten a command.

  • linux system commands

  • shutdown -h now : turn off
  • shutdown -r now : restart
  • date
  • lshw : hardware information
  • hwinfo : hardware information
  • systemctl [status , start , restart , stop] service : manage services
  • sudo command1 && command2 : execute administrative command
  • uptime
  • useradd [username] : create a new account
  • passwd [username] : add or change password
  • userdel [username] : remove a user

  • linux package management by apt

  • apt search [package] : finde package by name
  • apt install [package] : installing a package
  • apt remove [package] : remove a package

  • apt update : update package repository (etc/apt/sources.list)

  • apt upgrade : update packages
  • apt autoremove : remove useless dependencies

  • linux package management by dpkg

  • dpkg -i [package.deb] : install package
  • dpkg -r [package] : remove package
  • dpkg -s [package] : search package
  • dpkg –l : list of installed packages

  • installing linux programs from source code

  • wget http://some-url.com/download/some-program.zip : file download by url
  • unzip some-program.zip
  • cd some-program
  • ./configure
  • make
  • make install

  • linux directory / file commands

  • cd [path,directory] : change directory
  • cd .. : moves a directory up
  • cp [source] [destination] : copy file
  • ls [directory,path] : list files
  • file [name] : checks a file type
  • mkdir [dir1] : make directory
  • pwd : print the current directory path
  • rm -f [dir1] : deletes files from a directory
  • rmdir [name] : delete empty directories
  • mv [existing] [new] : move a file or folder
  • zip [file1.zip] [file2] : compresses one or multiple files
  • unzip [file1.zip] : extract a compressed file
  • rar [file] : make rar file

  • unrar [file.rar] : extract a rar file

  • nano [file] : text editor
  • mousepad [file] : text editor
  • find [path] [options] expression : search your current directory
  • chmod : change the permissions of files or directory
  • chown [options] newowner:newgroup file1 file2 : change the ownership of files/directories

  • linux network commands

  • ifconfig eth0 netmask : set ip
  • ifdown eth0 : disable the network card
  • ifup eth0 : enable the network card
  • iwconfig eth1 : wireless card details
  • netstat : network status
  • traceroute  destination : route used to connect
  • ping  destination



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